Saturday, December 1, 2012


Committed to support individuals with disabilities, C-SASIL relies on the generosity of community, businesses and individuals for support. In order for us to meet our goal and provide services to people with disabilities, we need more of your support. We are looking for sponsors & donors to keep our organization in operation. 

Please find it in your heart to donate or purchase a ticket. Your generosity always makes a huge difference. Remember that every donation makes a difference, regardless of the size. 

For detail information or buy tickets; please see the  flyer & sponsorship levels or contact us at 905-799-7274 or

We are registered with Eventbrite to buy tickets or make donation. you can purchase your ticket or donate online by clicking or copy & paste the below link in your URL bar:                                               

C-SASIL Mothers Support Group Diwali & Eid Celebration

C-SASIL Mothers (Children with Disabilities) Support Group have celebrated Diwali& Eid on Saturday, November 17, 2012. The event was so successful. There were over 60 attendees. 

 MOTHERS of CHILDREN with diABILITIES lightened the CANDLE of HOPE for AWARENESS, COMMITMENT  and to MOTIVATE other MOTHERS to be a part of the society and enjoy their life. ESPECIALLY those MOTHERS who are ISOLATED and HESITANT to come out (in the community) because of their/children disability. Mothers & Children had a great time and the entertained people by singing. They also has painted a picture.  

Children with disAbilities are painting

Mother helping her daughter to paint the poster
                               Painted by Children with disAbilities & their Parents
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Mother are singing (Jot Se Jot Jagate Chalo) & lighening the CANDLE of HOPE & COMMITMENT to Raise AWARENESS about disABILITIES and motivate other mothers of children with disAbilities to get involved in the scociety & C-SASIL.

                                     Children with disAbilities & their Parents are painting

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Thankgiving Wishes for C-SASIL Donors & Suppporters

We are thankful for your support and would like to wish you and your family a Happy Thanksgiving. We are obliged to say that donors like you keep our organization going. With your help and support, we are able to service individuals with disability on a regular basis. We would like to thank you again for your continued support for our cause to improve the lives of individuals with disabilities. 

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Upcoming Event, June 10, 2012

2nd Annual C-SASIL Abilities Challenge Event

The Abilities Challenge is a fundraising and building awareness event. People of all ages and abilities can participate in this event by registering or sponsoring a team for wheelchair race, volunteering, donating funds and gifts for raffles to help make a difference in the lives of people living with disabilities.

The event will feature a wheelchair race where teams compete against each other to gain a better understanding of issues that people living with disabilities face in their daily lives. It is a great learning experience for you and your kids, family, friends and co-workers.
Wheelchair Race, Entertainment, Raffle prizes, information booths & much more…